Single-shot selective femtosecond and picosecond infrared laser crystallization of an amorphous Ge/Si multilayer stack Odborný článek

Naši kolegové Alexander Bulgakov, Yoann Levy, Jiri Beranek, Shiva Nagisetty, Martin Zuckerstein a Nadezhda Bulgakova nedávno publikovali článek v odborném časopise Optics and Laser Technology (Elsevier). Tématem je Single-shot selective femtosecond and picosecond infrared laser crystallization of an amorphous Ge/Si multilayer stack. Článek vznikl ve spolupráci s Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk State University, ČVUT, Coherent LaserSystems GmbH & Co. KG a Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology.

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