On Tuesday June 20, the LSO MEETUP took place in the HiLASE Centre. The event was intended for all graduates of LSO trainings in our laser centre. Together with laser safety specialist Helena Vohnikova, head of ETS department Jakub Horacek and LIDT team leader Jan Vanda, the participants of the event learned more about standards and trends in laser safety or about the principles of interlock. Visitors also had the opportunity to look into the experimental halls to the stations for laser micro- and nano-structuring and for laser shock peening (LSP).

If you are in charge of the safety of laser equipment in your work and want to join our LSO community, we recommend the training for Laser Safety Officers on October 4 – 6 2023. If you only need a basic orientation in the world of laser safety, then you can take advantage of the Laser Safety Training on August 3, 2023.