Femtosecond micro-processing station
The microprocessing facility has been developed for irradiation of materials by ultrashort laser pulses (about 35 fs pulse duration) where the thermal effects, often undesirable, can be significantly reduced compared to the irradiation by longer laser pulse. More details.

LIDT station
Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) is defined as the highest quantity of laser radiation incident on an optical component for which the extrapolated probability of damage is zero. Optical components can be damaged by laser irradiation of sufficiently high energy or power. More details.

LSP station
Laser shock peening (LSP) is a surface treatment process designed to improve mechanical properties and fatigue performance of various metals and alloys. The method utilizes a high intensity laser beam to generate strong pressure shock waves on the material surface. Fatigue life of components treated by LSP process is increased due to compressive residual stresses of large magnitudes which prevent surface crack formation and crack propagation. More details.