We strive to explore and understand a broad range of physical phenomena induced by ultrashort laser pulses with materials of different kind. We are seeking for innovative science concepts in the research areas of laser-matter interaction physics, which would advance design of functional surfaces, synthesis of nanomaterials and nanostructures with novel properties, creation of new photonic structures, and bio-applications. The team combines experimental studies with state-of-the-art diagnostics techniques and a strong theoretical expertise in the areas of laser excitation of solids, phase transitions, dynamics of the laser-induces plumes.

We are building an advanced laser application laboratory, which will include three ultrashort pulse lasers with laser wavelengths from UV to mid-IR, high-vacuum chambers, time-of-flight mass spectrometry, ultrafast diagnostics (pump-probe techniques, streak camera, ICCD imaging, LIBS) and material characterization (optical microscopy, SEM, XRD, AFM, Raman).
The theoretical support of the experiments is based on the experience of team members in
- one- and two-temperature modeling, including electron photoemission with charge separation and non-congruent vaporization of compound materials;
- FDTD simulations of propagation of laser beam focused inside transparent materials;
- gasdynamic modeling of laser ablation plume expansion in vacuum and ambient gases;
- TD-DFT simulations of laser action on band-gap crystals;
- analytical methods of plasma physics and plasmonics.