Representatives of the Technical University of Munich at the HiLASE Centre

On Friday the 30th of September 2022, the HiLASE Centre was visited by representatives of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), namely its Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management.

Sanin Zulić, a Ph. D. student from the Laser Shock Peening (LSP) group, welcomed the group in the PERLA seminar room and introduced the main activities of the centre to them. Several other representatives of the HiLASE Centre also attended the presentation, including Petr Hauschwitz (LMM team leader and postdoctorand), Jan Vanda (Deputy Head of Department Industrial Laser Applications and Team Leader of LIDT), and Ondrej Novak (Deputy Head of ALD department and Team Leader of Nonlinear Optics). Then, TUM took the floor and its delegates also shared what their specialisation is with the participants from HiLASE.

An excursion of the HiLASE facility followed. Sanin Zulić headed into the recently redesigned and expanded LSP experimental hall with the excursion. Petr Hauschwitz shared his workspace, the Laser Micromachining (LMM) experimental hall. Last but not least, Ondrej Novak led the group into the centres clean laboratories, where the development of the PERLA and BIVOJ lasers takes place, alongside Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) testing.

To conclude, a discussion about the possibilities of future collaborations between the HiLASE Centre and TUM took place, which could happen in several different areas. It could, for example, allow for the expansion of circular economy in central Europe, or the growth of sustainable manufacturing practices, and more.

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