Successes and future perspectives of the BIATRI project were discussed at the 5th BIATRI workshop at the HiLASE Centre on 17th-18th April 2023 BIATRI

The “5th BIATRI workshop” was organized at the HiLASE Centre on 17th-18th April 2023 and enabled fruitful interaction between scientists of the Department of Scientific Laser Applications (SLA) along with invited external collaborators from Argentina, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Belarus.

5th BIATRI ws

The workshop aimed at providing an overview of the results obtained during the “BIATRI” project that will finish in June 2023, and to discuss the next actions towards enabling sustainability of the SLA department at HiLASE.

For the occasion, guest scientists from Argentina and Belarus were invited to attend online but also on-site (Argentina) thanks to the Marie Curie action Research and Innovation Staff Exchange program “ATLANTIC”. Several collaborators have also presented their recent results (the list is available here).

The organizers would like to thank all the attendees. The SLA department is looking forward to a successful reporting of the project and initiating its next scientific adventures.

The BIATRI project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic (project BIATRI, No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/00004).

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