Succesful experiment in the frame of the HiLASE Open Access Project was aimed at studying the optimization and efficiency of the momentum transfer on different materials under vacuum upon repetitive-pulsed laser irradiation. Such a concept can be applied directly to space debris removal or exciting new concepts for laser space propulsion for tens-of-kg spacecraft.
An experimental campaign was performed on the HiLASE Perla-B thin-disk laser beamline in the frame of the Open Access call in the period 24 October-7 November, 2019. The experiment was conducted by French reserchers Dr. Séverine A.E. BOYER (CNRS, MINES ParisTech PSL – France ; PI of the project), Dr. Gilles TAHAN (CNES, post-doctorat MINES ParisTech PSL – France) and the HILASE team lead by Dr. Yoann LEVY. The .
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