Students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of CTU at the HiLASE Centre

On Friday 8 April 2022, a group of Czech and international students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague visited the HiLASE Centre. The students of bachelor and master courses with their professor had the opportunity to see the laboratory and the experimental hall of the laser centre.

CTU students at HiLASE

Postdoc Jaroslav Huynh introduced the PERLA thin disc laser to the group in the clean lab, took them through the laboratory and shared his experience. This laser has also been developed as a commercial product for industry in the form of the PERLA 100.

Next, the students headed to the LSP (Laser Shock Peening) experimental hall, where team leader Jan Kaufman and Ph.D. student Ondřej Stránský introduced them to their specialization, and showed them examples of LSP applications in industry, and answered their questions. LSP helps extend the life of frequently stressed parts of metal components. You can get a glimpse into the LSP experimental hall via this video.

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