Solar power plant on the roof of the HiLASE Centre building

The installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the HiLASE Centre, co-funded within the European Union’s Operational Programme Environment 2021-2027, was successfully concluded. The hi-tech building of the HiLASE Centre is therefore now partially supplied with renewable energy, specifically 60,5 kWp.

The three main objectives of the project were achieved: to reduce the final energy consumption of the building, to increase the capacity for renewable energy production and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. The project was implemented between 12 June 2023 and 30 September 2024 under the supervision of Milan Melichar, Team Leader of Building and Infrastructure at the HiLASE Centre.

“Our plans for a greener operation of the HiLASE Centre certainly do not end with this project, we have many more ideas in store for further improvements in the area of sustainability and circular economy,” comments Milan Melichar on the completion of the project. “In addition, I am delighted that dozens of HiLASIANS across departments have participated in this project and supported my team in reducing the environmental impact of our Centre.”