Scientists of Scientific Laser Applications (SLA) attended the Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM) 2023 conference

From 13th to 16th of June 2023, Thibault J.-Y. Derrien, Oleksander Gatsa and Yoann Levy, scientists from the HiLASE SLA department, participated in the 24th Laser Precision Micromachining (LPM) international conference held in Hirosaki, Japan.

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Recent results obtained in the frame of the BIATRI project (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000445) were presented in 3 oral presentations, respectively on (i) modeling of silicon excitation by ultrashort laser irradiation based on the TDDFT method, (ii) ultrashort-pulse laser-induced damage and ablation of gold in water, and (iii) regular surface texturing on silicon with laser-induced periodic surface structures.

The conference favors exchanges on latest progresses on laser-assisted applications that require precision and related fundamental aspects of laser-matter interaction. Overall, 19 countries were represented with more than 200 contributions, including 3 from the Czech Republic.

SLA Japan