The RIANA project is now accepting proposals for transnational access in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. This is a continuous call for proposals, proposals and pre-proposals can be presented at any time.
Submit a pre-proposal of your research to receive personalised support from the Science Support network, ranging from writing to data analysis.
- Researchers must apply for free access to a minimum of 2 infrastructures from the selection of 69 nanoscience facilities across 22 European countries.
- The proposal must combine a minimum of 2 techniques at different laboratories, ideally from different networks (Laserlab-Europe, LEAPS, e-DREAM, RADIATE, LENS, EUROnanoLAB, and EUSMI).
HiLASE Centre is one of the 15 institutions from the Laserlab Europe network offering access via RIANA, covering techniques such as laser processing, laser structuring, optical spectroscopy and more.
For more information on how to submit your proposal and pre-proposal, visit the RIANA website. Ensure to also read the available supporting documents.