RIANA (Research Infrastructure Access in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology) Horizon Europe project

HiLASE Centre is participating in the Horizon Europe project titled RIANA (Research Infrastructure Access in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology) as an associated partner within Laserlab Europe AISBL. Within the projects, the Centre will provide users with access to its research infrastructure.

Project coordinator: German Electron Synchrotron DESY

Duration: March 1st 2024 – February 29th 2028

Call: HORIZON-INFRA-2023-SERV-01-01: Research infrastructure services to enable R&I addressing main challenges and EU priorities

Topic: RI services for innovative application of nanoscience and nanotechnology

RIANA consortium members: 56 beneficiaries, 69 infrastructures, 22 European countries

The project provides the user community with unique access to leading European facilities with a focus on nanotechnologies, which are key to the development of new solutions for prosperity and sustainability. Within the project, a rolling call system will be implemented to support experiments that combine different facilities and techniques.

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