Professor Sushanta Mitra of the Waterloo Institute of Nanotechnology at the HiLASE Centre

On Thursday the 27th of July, professor Sushanta Mitra of the Waterloo Institute of Nanotechnology in Canada visited the HiLASE Centre.

After being welcomed by HiLASIANS from across different departments, he gave a presentation on Creating Sustainable Future at the Waterloo Institute of Nanotechnology. Talks on the topics of HiLASE Centre activities and Laser nanotechnologies followed, presented by Lukáš Masopust (head of Project Management) and Nadezhda Bulgakova (head of Scientific Laser Applications) respectively.

Following a coffee break and discussion were tours of the E2 and E3 experimental halls. In E2, Sunil Pathak and Ondřej Stránský introduced Laser Shock Peening and the Centre’s activities in this area. Later in E3, professor Mitra met with Nadezhda Bulgakova and Alexander Bulgakov (team leader of Nanomaterials) to discuss how lasers developed at HiLASE are being used in scientific contexts.