At the turn of April and May, a group of researchers from the University of Coventry (UK) and the HiLASE Centre LSP team, led by Dr. Brajer, have successfully demonstrated LSP treatment with various pulse shapes. These experiments were performed in the context of the Open Access project titled ‘Mechanisms of life enhancement by laser shock peening surface treatment’. The project started in April 23 and finished in May 3, 2019, i.e. two weeks of beam time were allocated. The advanced pulse shaping has been provided by the Bivoj laser team, which was coordinated by Dr. Divoky. Several pulse shapes were tested, including single Gaussian and Supergaussian pulses with durations from 6 to 14 ns, and double Gaussian pulses each with duration of 3 ns. The materials under investigation were various alloys of aluminum. Different processing conditions were tested during the experiments.
Currently, the 2nd call for proposals for access to the HiLASE Centre facility beam time is being launched within the Teaming project. Application deadline is 31/05/2019. More information here.