
Adaptive optics system for a short wavelength mid-IR laser based on a Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor and analysis of thermal noise impacts

4. October 2022

Adaptive optics system for a short wavelength mid-IR laser based on a...

The HiLASE Centre research team, including Huang Zhou, Jan Pilař, Martin Smrž, Liyua...

Silicon surface patterning by regular stripes of laser-induced periodic surface structures

18. September 2022

Silicon surface patterning by regular stripes of laser-induced periodi...

In preparation of his PhD thesis at the HiLASE Center, Juraj Sládek has published, w...

Modeling thermal response of Mo thin films upon single femtosecond laser irradiation: dynamics of film melting and substrate softening

6. September 2022

Modeling thermal response of Mo thin films upon single femtosecond las...

In preparation of his PhD thesis at the HiLASE Center, Kryštof Hlinomaz has publishe...

10-µJ few-cycle 12-µm source based on difference-frequency generation driven by a 1-kHz mid-wave infrared OPCPA

3. August 2022

10-µJ few-cycle 12-µm source based on difference-frequency generation...

The HiLASE Centre team (Martin Duda, Lukáš Roškot, Martin Smrž and Ondřej Novák) tog...

Post-processing of selective laser melting manufactured SS-304L by laser shock peening

19. July 2022

Post-processing of selective laser melting manufactured SS-304L by las...

The HiLASE Centre research team, including Sunil Pathak, Sanin Zulić, Ondřej Stránsk...

Facile Manufacture of Oxide-Free Cu Particles Coated with Oleic Acid by Electrical Discharge Machining

17. July 2022

Facile Manufacture of Oxide-Free Cu Particles Coated with Oleic Acid b...

Sunil Pathak, post-doc in the LSP group of the HiLASE Centre, has co-authored a rece...

Laser nanostructuring for functionalization of surfaces

14. July 2022

Laser nanostructuring for functionalization of surfaces

An article by Peter Hauschwitz (LMM Team Leader) entitled Laser Nanostructuring for...

Melting of gold by ultrashort laser pulses: advanced two-temperature modeling and comparison with surface damage experiments

5. July 2022

Melting of gold by ultrashort laser pulses: advanced two-temperature m...

Researchers of the HiLASE Centre, Czech Republic (Sergei Lizunov, Alexander Bulgakov...

Unique structures on the silicon surface created by ultrashort doughnut-shaped laser pulses

3. July 2022

Unique structures on the silicon surface created by ultrashort doughnu...

A team of scientists from the HiLASE Centre, Martin Zukerstein, Jan Hrabovsky, Juraj...

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