
Development of analytical models for tip, root, and end relieving of spur gears by pulsed electrochemical finishing process

27. October 2023

Development of analytical models for tip, root, and end relieving of s...

HiLASIAN Sunil Pathak from the Laser Shock Peening (LSP) published a new paper in co...

Multi-Modal Laser-Fabricated Nanocomposites with Non-Invasive Tracking Modality and Tuned Plasmonic Properties

25. September 2023

Multi-Modal Laser-Fabricated Nanocomposites with Non-Invasive Tracking...

HiLASIAN Yury Ryabchikov, senior researcher in the field of mid-IR and bioapplicatio...

Laser-patterned boron-doped diamond electrodes with precise control of sp2/sp3 carbon lateral distribution

1. September 2023

Laser-patterned boron-doped diamond electrodes with precise control of...

HiLASIANS Jan Hrabovský, Juraj Sládek, Martin Zukerstein, and Nadezhda Bulgakova fro...

From Localized Laser Energy Absorption to Absorption Delocalization at Volumetric Glass Modification with Gaussian and Doughnut-Shaped Pulses

15. August 2023

From Localized Laser Energy Absorption to Absorption Delocalization at...

HiLASIANS Martin Zukerstein (post-doc: Laser material processing), Vladimir P. Zhuko...

Double layer acceleration of ions with differently charged states in a laser induced plasma

2. August 2023

Double layer acceleration of ions with differently charged states in a...

Nadezhda M. Bulgakova (head of Scientific Laser Applications) and Alexander V. Bulga...

Low-temperature catalyzed growth and plasmonic properties of columnar Au-SiOx nanocomposite thin films

24. July 2023

Low-temperature catalyzed growth and plasmonic properties of columnar...

Alexander V. Bulgakov, Team leader of Nanomaterials at the HiLASE Centre, is a co-au...

Picosecond pulsed laser deposition of MOS2 thin films

12. June 2023

Picosecond pulsed laser deposition of MOS2 thin films

Researchers from the Scientific Laser Applications department of the HiLASE Centre h...

Advanced micro- & nanostructuring for enhanced biocompatibility of stainless steel by multi-beam and beamshaping technology

6. June 2023

Advanced micro- & nanostructuring for enhanced biocompatibility o...

Researchers from several teams of the HiLASE Centre have contributed to the newly pu...

Ion expansion dynamics of laser induced multi-elemental plasmas

30. May 2023

Ion expansion dynamics of laser induced multi-elemental plasmas

Nadezhda Bulgakova (head of Scientific Laser Applications at HiLASE Centre) and Alex...

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