9. February 2021
The potential of diode pumped cryogenic Yb:Lu3Al5O12 laser in continuo...
Cryogenically cooled solid-state lasers have overcome the limitations of power and e...
28. January 2021
Advance in numerical modelling and experimental studies: Laser induced...
Researcher Marine Scius-Bertrand from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Mét...
4. November 2020
How to increase the throughput of surface functionalization?
Young researcher Petr Hauschwitz in cooperation with other members of the HiLASE Cen...
22. June 2020
Periodic surface functional group density on graphene via laser-induce...
The international team of researchers from the HiLASE Centre, Jaroslav Heyrovsky Ins...
22. June 2020
HiLASE Centre’s PERLA C laser enabled scientific breakthrough: c...
Researchers from the HiLASE Centre and the Centre of Materials and Nanotechnologies,...
9. April 2020
HiLASE experiments showed KTF as an ideal candidate for the next gener...
The HiLASE Centre Numerical Modelling team, led by Dr. Slezák, jointly with the team...
30. January 2020
More efficient lasers? Yes, thanks to monocrystals in power amplifiers
An international team consisting of scientists from HiLASE Centre, ELI-Beamlines, Cr...
18. August 2017
Thibault Derrien and Yoann Levy published in Scientific Reports
In August 2017, Dr. Thibault J.-Y. Derrien and Dr. Yoann Levy published in Scientifi...
2. October 2014
Prof. Nadezhda Bulgakova published in Nature Materials (IF = 36,4)
This research demonstrates the way of engineering of the band structure of silicon b...