Our characterisation devices now available in Open Access

In the HiLASE Centre we use top-class characterisation devices. They are now available – together with other top-notch infrastucture – also to other users in the frame of the Open Access programme.

Now it is high time to apply for beamtime within the Open Access as the 5th call for proposals is open until 9 May 2022.

Check out our high quality devices:

  • Scanning electron microscope with imaging resolution of 1.2 nm, accelerating voltage between 200 eV to 30 keV, multi‐Ported large specimen chamber and more;
  • X-ray diffractometer featuring 5‐ axis sample stage suitable for 50 mm large and 20 mm thick samples and software with ICSD crystallography database (see more);
  • Raman spectrometer providing three excitation laser wavelengths: 532 nm, 638 nm, 785 nm, four gratings 600 gr, 1200 gr, 1800 gr, 2400 gr (more);
  • Atomic force microscope with STM, Conductive AFM. ranges 1 nA, 100 nA, 10 uA, scanning range 100 um x100 um x 15 um, vertical resolution: <1nm (more details);
  • Laser Scanning confocal microscope with objective lens magnifications: from 5x‐100x and total magnification capability: 5x‐17,280x (see more).


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