New Topics for your Thesis

The HiLASE Centre has just listed the topics of thesis for 2021/2022! If you are studying a technical field (eg. FS and FJFI at  ČVUTMFF UK, FS and FEI at VŠB – TUOUHK,  optics at UPOL,  TUL , VŠCHT, or FEL and FST at ZCU, have a look at the topics of our  bachelor, master and Ph.D. thesis.

If you want to learn more about the HiLASE Centre or about the new topic for thesis, join our Laser Day for Universities on 15th April. Here you can learn more about opportunities for students at the HiLASE Centre.

Why the HiLASE Centre?

The HiLASE Centre cooperates with the world’s most prestigious research institutes on the development of top laser systems (eg STFC RAL UK, MIT USA, DESY DE, etc.). We focus on diode-pumped solid-state lasers with high average power and high energy in pulse or with high repetition rate. It would be hard to find lasers with such parameters in any laboratory in the world yet. We develop lasers for the real world – lasers that make a superfast chip into a supercomputer, drill precise micro-holes into modern engine components, produce nanomaterials, help with safer aircraft production, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, etc. It is just your choice what you want to focus on at the HiLASE Centre: to design a laser “from scratch”, to invent a useful application and test it in cooperation with experts in the field, or to solve the problems of experimenters by designing a new physical model of interactions. Both a skilled experimenter and a skilled theorist will find their place in the HiLASE Centre.
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