Nobel laureate Donna Strickland visited HiLASE Centre

Donna Strickland, Nobel Prize of Physics laureate from the Canadian University of Waterloo, was welcomed at the HiLASE Centre during her visit to the Czech Republic.

On Thursday the 9th of May 2024, her and her company were welcomed in the lobby of the Centre by Tomáš Mocek (Head of HiLASE Centre), Martin Smrž (head of Advanced Laser Development) and Jiří Mužík (team leader of Thin Disk Lasers). They accompanied the group during a tour of the clean laser laboratories, introducing the PERLA and BIVOJ laser systems and their applications.

Before her visit to HiLASE, HiLASIANS had the opportunity to sit in on a lecture by Donna Strickland at the neighbouring ELI Beamlines Facility.

Donna Strickland received her Nobel Prize in 2018 alongside Gérard Mourou, for the implementation of chirped pulse amplification, which enables the generation of ultrashort laser pulses with a high intensity. We would like to thank her for her visit, and we look forward to meeting again!