Influence on micro-geometry and surface characteristics of laser powder bed fusion built 17-4 PH miniature spur gears in laser shock peening PAPER | Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Read a new article in the Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering journal co-authored by HiLASIANS from the Industrial Laser Applications department. The study investigated the effect of underwater Laser Shock Peening on the quality of laser powder bed fusion built 17-4 PH small-size spur gears.

Kudos to the study’s authors!

  • Sunil Pathak | HiLASE Centre – LSP Scientist
  • Ondřej Stránský | HiLASE Centre – Ph.D. student, LSP
  • Jan Šmaus | HiLASE Centre – LSP technologist
  • Jaromír Kopeček | Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Jinoop Arackal Narayanan | Teesside University
  • Jan Kaufman | HiLASE Centre – team leader of LSP
  • Libor Beránek | Czech Technical University in Prague
  • Marek Böhm | HiLASE Centre – Graduate student: Technical support
  • Jan Brajer | HiLASE Centre – Head of Industrial Laser Applications
  • Tomáš Mocek | HiLASE Centre – Head of the Centre

Micro-geometrical errors, surface roughness, and surface integrity (microstructure, residual stresses, microhardness) play an important role in defining the quality of the gears as they directly affect their noise, vibration characteristics and service life during their use. In the present work, underwater laser shock peening (LSP) is employed to improve the quality of the laser powder bed fusion built 17-4 PH small-size spur gears (12 mm outside diameter). LSP was employed near the spur gear root, and effects were measured in terms of residual stresses, variation in microgeometry errors, surface roughness, porosity, microstructure, and microhardness. It was observed that LSP could impart compressive residual stresses up to 0.4 mm of measured depth, while the surface roughness has improved by 32%. Microgeometry and microhardness of gears showed minor variations. Additionally, LSP has shown an impact on the microstructure as the grain orientation was altered and grain size reduced by 15.6% due to shock wave transmission. The study paves the way to use LSP as a post-processing technique to modify the surface characteristics of LPBF-built miniature spur gears with minimal impact on the gear microgeometry.

Read the full article.