May laser safety officer training at HiLASE Centre

A Laser Safety Officer training took place at the HiLASE Centre from the 24th to the 26th of May, led by Helena Vohníková, holder of the Certified Laser Safety Officer certification awarded by the Board of Laser Safety. Head of the Engineering and Technical Support department Jakub Horáček, team leader of Thin Disk Lasers Jiří Mužík, and team leader of Fiber Lasers Jaroslav Huynh, also participated as lecturers and instructors.

The first day of training covered most of the theory, including topics such as the classification of lasers, maximum permissible laser exposure levels, or laser safety equipment. During the second day, the training was focused on the necessary calculations, risk assessment, and technical measures, but also included an excursion into the clean laboratories of the Centre and a practical part. The training was concluded with a test to verify the knowledge gained during the course.

Does your job description require you to become a certified Laser Safety Officer?

Participate in the one planned for this October at the HiLASE Centre!