Lasers4EU successfully launched at the kick-off meeting

On the 21st and 22nd of October 2024, representatives of 29 leading laser research institutions involved in the Lasers4EU project met in Heraklion, Greece, to mark its launch. The ambitious targets set for the next four years of the project were discussed. The HiLASE Centre was represented at the kick-off meeting by Lukáš Masopust, Head of Project Management and Deputy Head of the Centre.

After the meeting launch, an overview of the formalities and the election of the boards of the project, the participants also visited the laboratories of the host organisation IESL-FORTH. On the second day of the meeting, the work package and task leaders presented their plans and activities with an emphasis on cooperation between partners. Thus, the Lasers4EU project has officially started, and we are looking forward to its progress and collaboration with other leading laser institutions!

The Lasers4EU project succeeds the successful Laserlab-Europe initiative and provides comprehensive training in laser technologies and applications in addition to international access to scientific infrastructures. The project aims to provide high-quality coordinated access to infrastructures, bring together European laser centres, as well as assist in HR and training of experts.

Read more about the project launch HERE.