Science4Business: Innovative Czech companies in the HiLASE Centre

On 19 May, a number of representatives of innovative Czech companies and institutions visited the HiLASE Centre. The visit took place within the framework of the Science4Business conference, which focused on examples of successful cooperation between scientists and companies, financing of Czech science or evaluation of knowledge transfer into practice.

The event, organised by the Central Bohemian Innovation Centre (SIC), took place under the auspices of the Governor of the Central Bohemian Region Petra Pecková and with the participation of the Minister for Science, Research and Innovation Helena Langšádlová, at the ELI Beamlines laser centre in Dolní Břežany. Among the invitees were mainly representatives of research organizations, innovative companies, spin-offs and start-ups.

The Central Bohemian Region is home to more than twenty research organisations, which, like the HiLASE Centre, strive to link their research to the needs of the real world as effectively as possible. “Our aim is to support them in commercialisation, transfer and development of cooperation with the application sphere. To make science help people and society,” said SIC Director Pavel Jovanovic.

Visitors were guided through the HiLASE Centre by its head, Tomáš Mocek, and also by Martin Smrž, head of the Advanced Laser Development Department. The company representatives were particularly interested in the possibilities of using advanced laser applications, such as laser shock peening (LSP) or laser micromachining or the creation of functional surfaces, in practice. They were also curious about the possibility of using our PERLA® 100 compact lasers in industrial production.

More in the SIC press release.

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