HR Coffee & Talk: our success lies in people

The popular event HR Coffee & Talk took place again at the HiLASE and ELI Beamlines laser centres. It is a regular meeting, which is organized by the HR team of the Institute of Physics of the CAS and both laser centres. Employees have the possibility to discuss various topics during an informal meeting, whether it is employee care, working conditions, support of foreign colleagues or internal communication. They have the chance to learn about benefits and news in the field of human resources or grant support and about other activities taking place at the Institute of Physics. They can find out more about specific opportunities for their personal growth, education and career development. Here you can find out more about the benefits at the HiLASE Centre.

“I perceive this event organized by the HR department across the entire FZU as mutually beneficial. Our priority is to offer employees another informal space where they can ask questions about anything related to HR or point out different ways to improve the activities that are already in use. I like to let them know that their voice matters and that they continually inspire us to push things further through their questions.

The second level in which I see the benefit of the HR Coffee & Talk event is the sharing of information and experiences among colleagues from the HR department in terms of the interconnectedness of processes across all departments at the FZU. It is an effective step forward, which was not common in the past, and I highly appreciate it,” comments Olga Lakomá, HR Partner at HiLASE.

Since April 2019, the Institute of Physics of the CAS has been the recipient of the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award. This is a prestigious award given by the European Commission for excellence in the care of human resources in a scientific environment. For researchers, an organisation with the HR Award means a guarantee of European standards of staff care, openness and transparency in the selection process and the quality of the working environment. Winning the HR Award is a sign of quality, but also a permanent commitment to continued development and the creation of favourable conditions for all employees.

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