27. May 2021
Interview with Tomas Mocek on Vedavyzkum.cz
Head of the HiLASE Centre Tomas Mocek gave an interview to the online portal Vedavy...

12. May 2021
Czech Radio: the PERLA®100 laser at ISI can engrave a logo on the head...
The Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS now has a brand new micromachinin...

12. April 2021
Automa magazine: cutting-edge lasers from the HiLASE Centre for indust...
The story of the HiLASE Centre appeared in the media as an example of how to link re...

25. March 2021
Technicky tydenik: LSP extends material lifetime multiple times
The HiLASE Centre is the only one in the Czech Republic with Laser Shock Peening tec...

9. February 2021
Bivoj laser record on Czech Television
Since 2016, the Bivoj laser system at the HiLASE Centre has been considered the lase...

22. December 2019
Lasers that cut, peen, and change the properties of materials
It’s amazing what a laser beam can be used for when it is given a lot of power...

10. December 2019
Dolni Brezany once again ahead of the times
Dolni Brezany is ahead of its time once again, thanks to the HiLASE Centre. New poly...

27. September 2019
HiLASE laser could help space exploration
On Thursday 26.9.2019, the HiLASE laser center hosted the “Laser Space Applications...

26. September 2019
Hawkings colleagues debate laser for interstellar travel in Prague, Hi...
Collaborators of the late British physicist Stephen Hawking’s Breakthrough Ini...