HiLASE Centre at Multiscale Materials Modeling 2022 Conference

Scientists of the HiLASE Centre, Dr. Thibault J.-Y. Derrien and MSc. Krystof Hlinomaz from the Group of Ultrafast Photonics (Department of Scientific Laser Applications) have attended the Multiscale Materials Modeling 2022 conference, held in Baltimore (United States of America) from Oct. 3rd to Oct. 7th.

Dr. T. J.-Y. Derrien presented an oral contribution on the modification of band structure of solids upon excitation by intense laser light. MSc. K. Hlinomaz presented an oral contribution on the hydrodynamic motion of a molybdenum film upon irradiation by femtosecond laser pulse, developed in collaboration with partners from the Marie Curie RISE ATLANTIC project No. 823897.

These works were carried out under support of The European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic (project BIATRI: No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000445).

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