High repetition rate nanosecond DG laser

  • Repetition rate: 1 kHz
  • Pulse length:  – 1.4 ns or <1.7ps
  • Energy: 100 mJ with ns pulses, 20 mJ with ps pulses
  • Beam diameter:  approx. 5mm (collimated) (for ns pulses), after compressor beam ellipticity ~75% (beam diam. approx. 7.0 mm x 5.4mm)
  • Wavelength: 1030 nm
  • Polarization: linear
  • Availability: 8 hours/day
  • Long‐term power stability: <1 % RMS (TBD)
  • Beam quality: – M2 <1.3 for ns pulses, M<1.5 for ps pulses

Dr. Pawel Sikocinski

Junior Researcher: PERLA A; pawel.sikocinski(at)hilase.cz; +420 314 007 706

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