Fatigue life enhancement of additive manufactured 316l stainless steel by LSP using a DPSS laser system

The HiLASE Centre research team, including Sanin Zulić, Danijela Rostohar, Jan Kaufman, Sunil Pathak, Marek Böhm, Jan Brajer, and Tomáš Mocek, alongside a colleague from the Institute of Physics of CAS, Jaromír Kopeček, have recently published a research paper in Surface Engineering journal. Their study has investigated fatigue life enhancement of additive manufactured 316l stainless steel by LSP using a DPSS laser system.

You can read the full article here.


Present work aims to study the fatigue life behaviour of additively manufactured (AM) stainless steel 316L in a laser shock peening (LSP) process. The fatigue behaviour of as-built samples and LSPeened sample were studied on the AM samples. A new diode-pumped laser system was utilized as an instrument to perform LSP operations. LSP operation was performed under two different sacrificial layers of different materials i.e. vinyl tape and aluminium tape. The other essential LSP parameters, namely energy, pulse width, spot size, overlap, and number of layers were kept constant based on the previous experimental findings. The characterization was done for analyzing the residual stresses using a hole drilling process, and a 4-point bending machine. A considerable improvement in compressive residual stress and fatigue life was observed in the LSPeened samples. Such improvements in residual stresses and fatigue life may pave a road to establishing diode-pumped lasers for LSP applications.

This work was supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme [grant no. 739573]; European Structural and Investment Fund and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Project International mobility MSCA-IF IV FZU—CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/20_079/0017754); European Structural and Investing Funds, Operational Programme Research, Development and Education [grant no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_006/ 0000674].