Excursion for students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU

On May 18, 2023, the HiLASE Centre hosted an excursion for students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of CTU and foreign students involved in the Erasmus programme. The tour, led by doc. Jan Píchal, was organized by Hana Turčičová with the aim to provide students with a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the world of laser technologies.  The students were guided by Jaroslav Huynh, who introduced them to the functioning and research activities of the HiLASE Centre.

The excursion provided a detailed overview of the wide range of laser applications and their benefits. Students had the opportunity to visit a clean laboratory and see the Perla laser system. Currently, the HiLASE Centre operates four powerful thin-disk lasers with a wavelength of 1030 nm based on a platform called PERLA, which are applicable in various industrial, biomedical, and scientific applications. For example, they can drill highly precise holes the size of human hair in different materials, improve and refine manufacturing processes for processors and displays, create antibacterial surfaces, and much more.

Towards the end of the meeting, students also had the chance to explore the model of a laser system based on cryogenic slab amplifiers called “Bivoj,” which represents the most advanced laser system of its kind worldwide. Its applications include welding, testing the durability of optical materials, and many others.

This excursion was one of the many activities through which the HiLASE Centre supports collaboration with universities and helps students kick-start their scientific careers. In addition to excursions and professional internships for high school and university students, students can also collaborate with the HiLASE Centre in writing their bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral theses. Further information about student opportunities can be found HERE. If you are interested in a specific topic or a long-term internship, simply contact us at joinus@hilase.cz.

This excursion was one of the many activities that the HiLASE Centre supports with universities to help students kick-start their scientific careers. In addition to field trips and internships for high school and college students, students can also collaborate with the HiLASE Center to write their bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral thesis. For more information on opportunities for students, click HERE. If you are interested in a specific topic or long-term internship, just contact us at joinus@hilase.cz.

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