
Laser Rapid Manufacturing and Peening: Recent Developments

Seminár – Dr. Lalit Mohan Kukreja:  “Laser Rapid Manufacturing and Peening: Recent Devel...

01. 08. 2012


High power laser developments at JAEA

Seminar – Dr. Hiromitsu Kiriyama:  “High power laser developments at JAEA” Pisture...

24. 07. 2012


Fundamental property of 6.X-nm EUV emission for the next generation lithogra...

Seminar – Dr. Takeshi Higashiguchi:  “Fundamental property of 6.X-nm EUV emission for th...

16. 07. 2012


Development and applications of lasers: how to make a laser suitable for ind...

Seminar – Dr. Daniela Rostohar:  “Development and applications of lasers: how to make a laser...

07. 04. 2012


Status of the POLARIS Laser Project

Seminář  – Joachim Hein:  “Status of the POLARIS Laser Project”

20. 03. 2012


Recent advances in laser diode pump engines for high power amplifiers

Seminar – Aude Sagnier:  “Recent advances in laser diode pump engines for high power amplifier...

20. 03. 2012


The way to next generation High Energy Class Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers...

Seminar  – Jörg Körner: “The way to next generation High Energy Class Diode Pumped Solid State...

10. 03. 2012


New deformable mirror technologies

Seminář – Dr. Stefano Bonora:  “New deformable mirror technologies”

08. 02. 2012


All optically driven synchrotron-like sources from the soft x-rays to the ga...

Seminář Dr. Kim Ta Phuoc:  “All optically driven synchrotron-like sources from the soft x-rays to th...

21. 11. 2011


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