Double-pass optical parametric generator pumped by Yb thin-disk laser for efficient 1.4–2.9 µm mid-IR radiation generation Article

Our colleagues Bianka Csanaková, Ondřej Novák, Lukáš Roškot, Jiří Mužík, Martin Cimrman, Jaroslav Huynh, Martin Smrž and Tomáš Mocek together with Helena Jelínková from Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University  have receantly published an article on Double-pass optical parametric generator pumped by Yb thin-disk laser for efficient 1.4–2.9 µm mid-IR radiation generation in the journal of Laser Physics

Many different fields benefit from the usage of light sources emitting in the mid-infrared wavelength range (2–10 µm). A rising need for precise and fast sources in the mid infrared (mid-IR) is reflected in the development of a high-power, picosecond mid-IR source capable of generation at high repetition rates. In this work, the authors present the optimization of an optical parametric generator, pumped by a 3 W portion of total power of the Yb:YAG thin-disk laser (1.3 ps, 90 kHz, 90 W) by comparing a single-pass and double-pass arrangement output parameters in terms of output power dependences on input power, efficiency, beam profiles, stability, and spectra. The output tunability of both arrangements spanned from 1459 nm to 2891 nm, with the upper limit being influenced by the limited transmission of the dichroic components used in the setup above 2700 nm. It was shown that the double-pass arrangement increases the output power, from 17 mW in the single-pass arrangement to 193 mW in the double-pass arrangement at 1459 nm, resulting in over ten-fold output power increase.