Czech-Israeli Technology Day participants visited HiLASE Centre

On Thursday the 23rd of May, participants in the Czech-Israeli Technology Day organised by the Czech-Israeli Mutual Chamber of Commerce and the STAR Region visited the HiLASE Centre. The event aims to facilitate the establishment of defence-industrial and research cooperation between Czech and Israeli companies and research organisations. The agenda of the day focused on current technological trends, opportunities and challenges in the field of laser technology, additive manufacturing and nanotechnology.

The agenda for the day included a series of talks by representatives of commercial and academic institutions, and networking, as well as excursions to HiLASE Centre, ELI Beamlines and Brain4Industry. Tomáš Mocek, head of HiLASE Centre, was among the speakers, talking about the use of lasers for space communications and data transfer in space projects alongside Jindřich Houžvička (director of Crytur).

Juraj Sládek (post-doc in Laser Micromachining) and Jan Šmaus (Laser Shock Peening technologist) welcomed them at HiLASE Centre, introducing their respective fields. They took a peek inside the clean laboratories where the PERLA laser system is developed, being used (among other applications) in the Laser Micromachining experimental hall. During the visit to the Laser Shock Peening cell with Jan Šmaus, they found out about the possible industrial applications of this unique technology.

Thank you for your visit!