Are you motivated to develop materials for circular economy? ReMade@ARI CALL ANNOUNCEMENT

header ReMade

ReMade@ARI provides scientists exploring the properties and structures of recyclable materials with coordinated access to more than 50 European analytical research infrastructures.

Three calls are open to support academic and industry users addressing recyclable materials:

Access for academic researchers and industry


11 October 2023
Access for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) only


15 December 2023
Access for any company in collaboration with Knowledge Providers
28 November 2023

For more information about our state-of-the-art analytical offer, please view the catalogue of techniques here.

ReMade – Pre-Proposal
Before submitting your proposal for Remade-TNA, we encourage you to submit a pre-proposal to get feedback on your idea as well as support to further develop it and find the right techniques.
Deadline: 22 September 2023

At HiLASE, our high-power lasers and experimental infrastructure empower our users to unlock sustainable solutions, reduce waste, and redefine the way we use resources. Bring your idea, and receive complimentary laser beam time (free of charge) that has the potential to transform the landscape of materials research, paving the way for a more sustainable world!

– Tomáš Mocek, Head of the HiLASE Centre

For more information, please visit the ReMade@ARI website.
A visual overview of services and user access is also available here.

If you have questions, please contact


As one of six networks participating in ReMade@ARI, Laserlab-Europe provides access to state-of-the-art laser research infrastructures in Europe. The project coordinated by HZDR is funded for four years by the EU with a budget of 13.8 million euros. The following Laserlab-Europe members provide access for scientific and industrial users: CALTCoimbra Laser LabCLPUENEAFELIXFORTHHiLASEHZDRICFOLaserLaB Amsterdam and POLIMI.