Topical meeting on picosecond thin-disk laser technology for EUV sources

This topical meeting is organized as a satellite meeting of the SPIE OPTICS + OPTOELECTRONICS to be held in Prague, Czech Republic in April 13-16, 2014. Recent progress of the HiLASE thin-disk laser R&D program is highly relevant to many promising applications of laser driven short wavelength sources, especially for mist formation from tin droplet, high brightness metrology source, and high repetition rate RF photocathode and seeder for HGHG (High Gain Higher Harmonics) in EUV FEL. Extensive plasma physics research has been also undertaken to make a better design of high brightness metrology source with magnetic fi eld. Pilot EUV ablation experiment has been demonstrated to offer data base to discuss on the future application in micro fabrication of a compact EUV source.

This meeting is intended to introduce the new HiLASE facility and R&D activities to the interested scientists, engineers and managers, to consider the possibility of using picosecond thin-disk laser technology for various applications of EUV sources. The meeting consists of talks from HiLASE team and contributing groups, free discussion and laboratory tour.

prof. Dr. Akira Endo, (Scientifi c programme)
Pavla Doležalová, (Administration & Logistics)