Are you studying a technical field at a university? Would you like to connect science with practical industrial applications? Then check our next LASER DAY FOR UNIVERSITIES! It is going to take place on Thursday, April 15, online.
- 10:00 – 10:30 – you will find out, what we focus on and what we are working at right now at the HiLASE Centre | JOIN NOW.
- 10:30 – 11:00 – you will learn about our current topics for bachelor, master and Ph.D. thesis and check the job opportunities during and after your studies, you will peek into our labs (a short video) | JOIN NOW.
- 11:00 – 12:30 – time for individual consultations with supervisors and our HR team | Join at SCHEDULE OF CONSULTATIONS.
- 14: 00 – 16: 15 – programme at ELI Beamlines
You can find the schedule of consultations HERE.
The main language of th programme is Czech, however the consultations with non-Czech speaking supervisors will be in English. We recommend to fill in the registration form below.
Please note that the presentation of current topics for your thesis (10:30 – 11:00) in Microsoft Teams will be recorded.
The programme and registration form of ELI Beamlines can be found here.
- HiLASE: Kateřina Brejchová, E:, M: 721 836 394
- ELI Beamlines: Hana Strnadová, E:, M: 601 560 333
For more details please follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.
You shouldn’t miss the event especially if you are a student of CTU – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, or Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University, technical fields at MUNI, ZCU or University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Technical University Ostrava, Technical University of Liberec or Optics or Experimental Physics at Palacký University Olomouc and University of Chemistry and Technology.