Automation and electronics in the world of lasers WEBINAR

We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming webinar on “Automation and Electronics in the World of Lasers.”

The Hilase Centre uses automation to control its laser systems and related devices. Automation SW and HW can precisely control specific components, allowing researchers to optimize laser performance and carry out experiments that would be difficult or impossible to perform manually. Learn more about the automation process and solutions used at our Centre.

Our expert speakers will be sharing their insights and knowledge on various topics such as automation in laser systems, electronics in laser processing, and advanced laser applications. They will also be discussing the latest trends and innovations in laser technology and how they are impacting various industries.

WHEN: 17 May 2023 | 02:00 – 03:00 PM CET


14:00 – 14:05 Start and Welcome part
14:05 – 14:25 Industrial control system for high power lasers | Jakub Horáček – Head of ETS dpt. & Leader of Control System Engineers at HiLASE Centre | 15’ a 5’ Q&A

  • Introduction of HiLASE
  • What is a control system?
  • The complexity of a laser system
  • Industrial control system at HiLASE
  • Plans and visions in 2023+

14:25 – 14:45 Electronics Development for Industrial Lasers | Jan Vejdělek – Founder of Coppervia company and Electronics developer at HiLASE Centre | 15’ a 5’ Q&A

  • Laser Control System Block Diagram
  • Typical Available Control Interface Options
  • Current Sensor/Actuator Interface Designs
  • Near Future Development

14:45 – 15:00 Collaboration and Q&A
15:00 End

Whether you are a professional in the field or simply interested in learning more about the topic, this webinar is for you. During the webinar will also be plenty of opportunities for Q&A, and our speakers will be happy to share their insights and expertise with you.

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar!

Jakub Horáček
"Turn a scientific laser into an industrial laser controlled by an industrial control system. A relatively brief assignment became a long-term and challenging task when I joined the HiLASE Centre. Why? Most scientific equipment and instruments are not suitable for integration into control systems. For example, most of them do not use an industrial communication bus. Similarly, not every control system architecture is robust enough. But there is a solution."
Jakub Horáček
Jan Vejdělek
"The periodic redesign and upgrade of electronics solutions for scientific and industrial laser systems are aimed at enhancing accuracy, efficiency, and reliability. To achieve this, techniques used in regular automation systems are utilized. Automation can increase the speed at which experiments are conducted, improve accuracy, and enhance the reliability of results. This is particularly crucial in settings where time is limited or where large amounts of data need to be collected. Real-time control systems facilitate the automated control of laser systems, resulting in efficient and reliable operation of experiments. The use of such systems reduces the time and effort required for manual control of the laser. Embedded sensors can provide real-time data acquisition, which is helpful for analyzing the laser's performance and ensuring optimal operation. This data can also be used for post-experiment analysis. In summary, the laser system's operation can be improved through the use of complex systems that employ an industrial embedded approach, real-time operation, smart data acquisition, and robust solutions".
Jan Vejdělek