Business Development

The HiLASE Laser Centre represents an excellent technological infrastructure in the field of laser research and development on a global level. It combines experimental laser development with advanced industrial applications under one roof. The centre works closely with a number of companies and manufacturing companies to create innovative laser solutions for their specific needs. In particular, it offers its expertise in the following areas:

  • Producing functional materials
  • Increasing the durability of metal components by laser shock peening (LSP)
  • Micromachining using laser technology
  • Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) measurement in an ISO certified laboratory

The HiLASE Centre has two unique high-power diode-pumped solid-state laser systems called PERLA and BIVOJ. Thanks to our top-notch team, we can use these lasers for a range of high-end laser applications or develop a tailor-made solution specifically for your requirements. We also offer the PERLA® series of compact laser systems and GOpico® fiber oscillators for industrial applications. The HiLASE Center also provides laser systems to external users (beam time), performs feasibility studies on laser processes and verifies the principles of laser technologies and designs. It is an owner of several patents.

You can read about our products and services HERE.

For more detailed information please contact our colleagues (below) or write to us at solutions(at)