Due to the declaration of the state of emergency by the Government of the Czech Republic and measures against the spread of coronavirus infection, HiLASE Centre decided to cancel / postpone all public events taking place until 30 June 2020.
The celebration of the International Day of Light (May 16) will be postponed. Please follow our websites to learn more about other events and spare dates.
The events prepared for autumn are going to take place as planned.
Thank you for your understanding and we wish you good health.
Your HiLASE team
On May 16, 2020, it will be exactly 60 years since Theodore H. Maiman introduced the world’s first laser. And since this anniversary is particularly important to our laser center, we want to share with you our passion for lasers. You can look forward to a number of events throughout the year, May 16, 2020 being the most interesting of these events: there will be tours, open-air concerts or a laser run.

Events 2020
18/3 – Laser day for high schools/ HiLASE Centre and ELI Beamlines/ – postponed
2/4 – Laser day for universities /HiLASE Centre and ELI Beamlines/ – postponed
16/5 – International Day of Light – main celebrations of the 60th anniversary – tours of HiLASE Centre and ELI Beamlines centers, open-air concerts, laser run from Prague to Dolní Břežany, etc. – posponed
4/6 – 6/6 – Science fair – the event is posponed until next year due to the COVID-19 situation
September – Talent Academy, program for talented high-school students – postponed
2/11 – 8/11 Week of Science and Technology /taking part at the event of the Czech Academy of Sciences/ – on-line
27/11 – Researchers’ night – on-line
How to join us
If you want to take an active part, download the 60-year laser logo or poster and use it at your events, presentations etc. Or simply come to any of the events listed above.